欢迎访问北京教育学院附属中学 今天是2024年04月28日 星期日 农历甲辰 龙年 三月廿十 北京: 晴 西北风3-4级转北风小于3级 -5℃~5℃

Exchange with Marist College from New Zealand

发布时间:2013/5/9 15:40:00 访问次数:5165


Exchange with Marist College from New Zealand

On the afternoon of April 28th, 17 girls and 3 teachers from Marist College in Auckland, New Zealand paid their first visit to our school.

On arrival at our school, these foreign guests were greeted and taken to the classroom by the friendly and welcoming students from Class 1 Senior 1. Soon a special party between students from New Zealand and China began.

During the party, students from Class One gave a lot of wonderful performance including calligraphy, folk dance, playing Erhu and Hulusi——traditional Chinese musical instrument, etc. At the end of the party, our students taught their foreign friends how to play Kongzhu, a very typical sport in old Beijing. These elegant girls showed great interest in the sport which has a long history and requires a lot of skills and practice.

Students from two countries communicated a lot during the party. They tried to introduce themselves and get to know each other in others’ language. It’s an excellent opportunity to practice their foreign language and develop their abilities for communication.

Marist College is a prestigious girls’ school in Auckland. During this winter vacation, two English teachers from our school visited theirs in Auckland. More cooperation will be conducted in the future.

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